About 80% of
women in the UK will experience menopausal symptoms in their lifetime. It might
happen to women at the age of 45—55. In the UK, the average age for menopause
is 52 years.
The main
symptoms of menopause syndrome are: amenorrhea, hot flushes, night sweats, palpitations, depression, anxiety, headaches, insomnia, loss of libido, vaginal
dryness and pain during the sex.
medicine treats menopause syndrome by symptoms management, usually sleeping
pills were prescribed for insomnia and pain killers for headaches; it only can
relieve some symptoms temporarily. Since 1950’ hormone replacement therapy (HRT) was
applied to menopause treatment, external hormone was given by tablets, patches or implants. Although HRT can effectively
release menopause symptoms, but there is evidence shown that it can increase the risk of cancer
in the breast, womb and ovarian, it also leads to increased risk of blood clotting
and stroke. Is there any medicine can release
menopause symptoms without increasing these risks? The probability of Chinese
herbal medicine is a good option.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes kidneys
dominate the fertility and reproduction function of human body. Menopause is
mainly due to kidney deficiency, hot flushes and night sweats which indicate
kidney yin deficiency; palpitations and insomnia indicate disharmony between
heart and kidney; depression
and anxiety indicate liver qi stagnation; lower libido and
vaginal dryness indicate kidney
essence deficiency.
Each menopause case might have different clinical
manifestations. Chinese medicine will select different herbs according to
individual conditions. For Kidney yin deficiency Zhibai Dihuang Wan and Qinhao
Biejia Tang will be applied; for heart and kidney disharmony Tian Wang
Bu Xin Dan is a good choice; for liver qi stagnation Xiaoyao Wan is
suitable. I only mentioned the name of these formulas, actually each formula
contains many herbs, and each herb contained has many effective ingredients.
All herbs come from
natural plants, non- toxic, non- side effects, which are much safer than
synthetic drugs. Pharmacology research showed many herbs contain
isoflavones, lignans and coumarins. These ingredients have oestrogens like function, so they have been called phyto-oestrogens. That is why they show
good effect on the menopause syndrome. I would like to recommend this natural
HRT to all the menopausal ladies.
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